nbg wrote:Now switched to something else blue, for a trip to the garden centre. May try it out on a NATO later.
No!!! Some things are sacred! Especially not the one you had on the blue C60, orange stripe notwithstanding...
nbg wrote:
Every time I think of selling it, as part of a down sizing, I put it on and change my mind.
I did the same thing yesterday with my z-blue Neil. I took it out to run a timing check as part of the preparatory rigmarole for selling it. I've pretty much decided it's staying...
What about a NATO on a Milgauss, with non matching cuff links....
The Sun has come out again, I think it's time I went outside to feed the wildlife, before the lovely lady asks me to stop messing around and do something useful!
nbg wrote:Now switched to something else blue, for a trip to the garden centre. May try it out on a NATO later.
No!!! Some things are sacred! Especially not the one you had on the blue C60, orange stripe notwithstanding...
nbg wrote:
Every time I think of selling it, as part of a down sizing, I put it on and change my mind.
I did the same thing yesterday with my z-blue Neil. I took it out to run a timing check as part of the preparatory rigmarole for selling it. I've pretty much decided it's staying...
Timing looks like around +2spd... not bad.
sold my zblue milguass and often wish I still had it. Neil / Gary don't sell!
What about a NATO on a Milgauss, with non matching cuff links....
The Sun has come out again, I think it's time I went outside to feed the wildlife, before the lovely lady asks me to stop messing around and do something useful!
Why have you got a Rolex watch photo on a Omega Speedy Tuesday magazine? Co-ordination please.
Mikkei4 wrote:
Why have you got a Rolex watch photo on a Omega Speedy Tuesday magazine? Co-ordination please.
Well nothing else in the photo coordinated, Rolex don't send me magazines, it stopped the bracelet scratching on the table and I am pleased about having a Speedy Tuesday on the way, so I mention it as often as possible!
Mikkei4 wrote:
Why have you got a Rolex watch photo on a Omega Speedy Tuesday magazine? Co-ordination please.
Well nothing else in the photo coordinated, Rolex don't send me magazines, it stopped the bracelet scratching on the table and I am pleased about having a Speedy Tuesday on the way, so I mention it as often as possible!
Nice answer.
Lucky you to be getting one, all I've received (today) is the magazine which I wasn't expecting so I'll keep that nice and clean.
Looking forward to seeing photos when you receive the Speedy Tuesday.
Best Wishes.