I would like to invite all of you lurkers out there to join us here in the CW forum. This also goes to the many members who have never posted or post once and standby.
Please join in. We need your thoughts, opinions and questions. If that is not who you are, okay, but never be afraid of posting. We are not evil here (well maybe once on a while). Newbies are not a bad thing, after all, we were all one once. You don't have to hover here like a few of us, just join in once in a while. Post a picture, list your collection, post a joke. The more we have the better. New thoughts, new ideas, new blood, new watches, new jokes and new pics. Ask that question that has been bugging you and you keep waiting for someone else to ask. It is what keeps us all coming back.
Hans and CW got us here, but it is all of us, past, present and future that make this a wonderful place. We want your help to keep the stimulation going. I myself visit several forums and find this to be the most close knit group to be with. The subject field is wide open. Join in.
The sarcasm and attacks on ones person are all in fun(most of the time). Where else can you find someone who cleans their watches in a dishwasher, and then write about it? He's nuts, he knows it, we know it. We missed him when he went awol and we went looking for him. Okay we are nuts too!
Come into the fold all ye lurkers and quiet members! We have an administrator, a moderator, a watchmaker who never posts (he is exempt), a President, An Asylum administrator, a resident movement guru, a designer or two, we have people who use translation software that sometimes lends some funny results, we have novices of travel, photography and much, much more. Now we need you.
We have a few common threads. First and foremost (I think) an interest in CWL. The rest such as freindship and bantering and a place to stop by for a Brew ( if only we could....perish the thought) are something that has developed. It started with only one. It has grown to near 600. Join in!!!
The thoughts expressed here are by me and me alone, and are not meant to speak for any other members. I am willing to bet I am not alone.
Invitation to Lurkers (and quiet members)
- Kip
- The Administrator
- Posts: 35936
- Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:45 pm
- CW-watches: 150
- LE-one: yes
- LE-two: yes
- LE-three: yes
- LE-foura: yes
- LE-fourb: yes
- LE-five: yes
- LE-six: yes
- LESeven: yes
- Location: New Hampshire, USA
Invitation to Lurkers (and quiet members)
"Asylum Administrator"
Visit the CWArchives for everything CW. Historical, specs, manuals and resale. It is all there.
"Asylum Administrator"
Visit the CWArchives for everything CW. Historical, specs, manuals and resale. It is all there.
- Uncle Bill
- Senior Forumgod
- Posts: 1601
- Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:33 pm
- CW-watches: 12
- LE-two: yes
- Location: Mid-Sussex, just North of South Downs National Park
Re: Invitation to Lurkers (and quiet members)

Let us hope all politicians are masochists, that they may truly enjoy our fondest wishes...
Re: Invitation to Lurkers (and quiet members)
I must admit I lurked for quite a while before I took the plunge. Lurking felt slightly seedy, definitely a questionable activity, so it just had to stop in the end

- cushie
- Senior
- Posts: 83
- Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:32 pm
- CW-watches: 5
- LE-one: yes
- Location: Kenilworth - Warwickshire.
Re: Invitation to Lurkers (and quiet members)
Ooh i still lurk but its only because i only talk when i have something to say but i will try to participate more. 

Everybody knows nobody is perfect and i am a nobody so i must be perfect.
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