USA Showroom

News related to Christopher Ward Watches
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by Kip »

Ranger wrote:Congratulations on your new job, but shouldn't you stand down altogether from the forum?
As I stated in my lead post, I think this will be a good thing for the forum. I will hopefully have the opportunity to share more advance information and tidbits moving forward. I also will have less time to be here daily so will be leaning on the moderator team more heavily. I will need the time I have to tend to background work on the forum.

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Re: USA Showroom

Post by bspj »

Kip, I for one hope that you remain on the forum.
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by MiniMpi »

bspj wrote:Kip, I for one hope that you remain on the forum.
+1 on that, probably +1000 or more I reckon.
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by kiter65 »

Ranger wrote:Congratulations on your new job, but shouldn't you stand down altogether from the forum?
We will have someone very much on the inside,hopefully any news and we will be the first to know.
Good luck Kip :thumbup:
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by Ranger »

kiter65 wrote:
Ranger wrote:Congratulations on your new job, but shouldn't you stand down altogether from the forum?
Only thinking about keeping the integrity of this "independent" forum.

We could just change the text in the header. :D
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by huy »

Congrats, Kip!

You mentioned that it would be the same experience as the UK showroom. I'm not sure what the functions of the UK showroom are. Is it just a room to show off and try on the CWL collection? Will it be possible to bring a watch in for service at the US room? I would love to know more about what I can expect from the US location.
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by Kip »

The showroom in Maidenhead is a place to sit down, relax, and have a good look, touch and feel session with CW watches while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. You can even buy a watch or two while there! Sometimes you might even get a surprise visit from Chris or Wera.

At the USA showroom I will try to give you the same relaxing experience in a similar environment. I do plan on having some real English Tea available. While I cannot offer a surprise visit from Chris or Wera, I can always promise some good watch talk and will have all models available for viewing and purchase.

Service in the USA is not something that will be available immediately. We do hope to work our way into this, but for now, no.

Opening day will be announced when all our ducks are in a row. :D

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Re: USA Showroom

Post by Viognier »

^ Kip congratulations on your brief semi-retirement and setting up the North American CW Showroom ( and future service centre). The CW servicing in the future will be fantastic to keeping the turnaround time compressed.

Now, to find a good business reason to be in Boston........ :)
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by Tooks »

I hadn't noticed this news until now, good luck with it Kip!

At least your own collection forms a ready made showroom stock? :lol:
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by huy »

Awesome. Can't wait to talk watches with ya, Kip!
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by Toosmokeduptosee »

I guess kip was key to this thing. Otherwise, Why Boston and not New York?
One would think New York would attract much more of a global presence.
But Maybe this is just the first one........
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by Toosmokeduptosee »

One would hope, but they will be your employer. once you are up and running, there is no possible way anybody with any common sense would let you chip in on anything they don't want known. If they haven't had "the talk" with you yet, they will.....(once you know more).
Kip wrote:
Ranger wrote:Congratulations on your new job, but shouldn't you stand down altogether from the forum?
As I stated in my lead post, I think this will be a good thing for the forum. I will hopefully have the opportunity to share more advance information and tidbits moving forward. I also will have less time to be here daily so will be leaning on the moderator team more heavily. I will need the time I have to tend to background work on the forum.
c60 gmt trident orange markers
Seiko snkn01
Seiko - Skx007 "mod"
Seiko stargate II srp493,
Orient blue mako
Lew Huey riccardo - black
citizen at4008,
seiko quartz chronograph,
1965 omega seamaster de ville.
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by theaub »

I can't think of a more suitable person for this than you, Kip. Congratulations; I am sure it will be a great success.
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Re: USA Showroom

Post by JRAD »

Not really worried about integrity of the forum. I think it is great for a company to have a large group of fanatical consumers they can ping for knowledge. It is true crowd sourcing.
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USA Showroom

Post by Boydesian »

Toosmokeduptosee wrote:I guess kip was key to this thing. Otherwise, Why Boston and not New York?
One would think New York would attract much more of a global presence.
But Maybe this is just the first one........
New Hampshire is actually a good choice for such a venture. There is no sales tax for one thing, and it is close to both Boston AND New York. My company is located less than 5 miles down the road from the showroom and we have a ton of New York clients that drive out specifically to view and/or buy items from us (especially during ski season!) The Nashua-Merrimack-Bedford area is a shopping Mecca for our Canadian friends as well (at least for those situated in Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime provinces).
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