The time has come for us to correct this and bring us up to date. Along with the team at CW we have been working on a few changes over the last few months. We are now ready to move forward.
The forum will be undergoing a full security upgrade and a new coat of paint. In order to do this properly we will need to be offline.
On Monday January 23, 2017 at approx 9:00am GMT (4:00 am EST) we will go offline to process the necessary upgrades. Best case is we will be off for about 90 minutes. Worst case (we hope) is about 4 hours.
We have been doing extensive testing and are hoping the shorter time will prevail.
The Admin Team thanks you for your patience during this process and hope you find it worth the effort.
Counselors and meds will be made available to those that need help with withdrawal.