As someone who does use twitter and follows a good few people I can see the point of following a company like CW. If you just want occasional updates about new models and offers then its perfect as the forum can be a bit too in depth. On the other hand if I was getting lots of tweets every day from CW I would probably unfollow.
I to follow CW, but also; Frasier Time, Lum-Tec, WatchUseek, and some other company's (besides as a member of a few forums). I see Twitter as a source of information, about stuff that i like. For example; Ajax Amsterdam, PC Hardware, Watches, Gaming / Gameindustrie etc.
Like many other things - Twitter can be useful or an utter pain. It all depends on what you want to do with it. I have no interest in what celebs had for breakfast and refuse to follow any of the self-promoters. But for communication with those you want to keep in touch with it can be OK - and free.
I suppose the early users of forums like this were accused of being crazy - now you're all here!
I always told myself I would never bother to open a twitter account, until I wanted discounts on other stuff I like to buy online which had deals on twitter. Guess it does have its uses though, hopefully CW doesn't spam my account like other businesses have
It's not about new/'s just about relevance. As a business you must have a web presence and social media is just necessary. I think they made the right choice about starting on twitter, it really is the easiest to use from a business connection perspective. I've searched for CW on FB and I'm shocked there isn't a fanpage. I actually added some guy named Christopher Ward from the UK on accident...turns out he's quite a nice bloke that REALLY enjoys soccer (football). I'd like to see more from THE MAN Christopher Ward, and the team - it's interesting to see such a great company do its thing.
For my bands music we have:
We are also on iTunes, spotify, soundcloud and probably 10 other music sharing networks. The fans love the sneak previews, backstage antics, and exclusive content. As a watch fanatic - I frequent the same forums we all do...and subscribe to blogs we all have read.
I still however use text, email, and good old phone calls to do most of what I do - social networking IS free advertising. I will be following CW wherever he logs in and shares his horology passion! Keep up the modern thinking!!
Kip wrote:This thread is about following the forum on twitter...not CWL! Postings on twitter regarding the forum, will be/can only be, generated by Han.
Hans has tweeted on occasion, but it is rare.
As for CWL....Chris has a Twitter account. Expect expansion of social media for CWL in January.
Thanks for the explanation Kip! Personally not a fan of Twitter but if CW as a company join and tweet offers/news etc then would consider joining to get easy updates.
Agree with some other comments that the forum takes a bit of time to navigate
I was standing on the edge of the world...and I can't see it.
ctafield wrote:As per the other thread. I find Twitter incredibly useful for shaming companies into doing something. Like Virgin Media... got them to fix my broadband on several occasions via Twitter, where their offshore support team failed. Also my local council tweets a lot regarding current affairs. Very useful.
I love twitter. Great way to start or support a campaign. The recent NHS bill might not have been changed without twitter. My kids love Facebook though
CW Jumping hour
CW C9 Harrison auto
CW Victoria deco
CW Ladies lido
Jeager le-coultre master control
Steinhart Ocean 1
Well this twitter feed would be awesome if we could get some discounts.
C5 Malvern Automatic
Hamilton Khaki King Automatic
Lum-Tec Bull45 A7