Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Richard D »

jtc wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:22 pm
Richard D wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:13 pm As Frank Lampard has been sacked, does this mean he hands back the Bel Canto? Asking for a friend.
He's probably on the phone to Ward Hoard as we type!

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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Amor Vincit Omnia »

He will probably donate it to the club. They could do with a striker.
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Thegreyman »

Amor Vincit Omnia wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:01 pm ^^^ Whom would you rather see relegated? They’ve been Premier League passengers for many years. A dose of reality might do them good.
Probably Man City, Arsenal or Liverpool :wink:

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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Thegreyman »

Amor Vincit Omnia wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:37 pm He will probably donate it to the club. They could do with a striker.
:lol: :clap:

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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by bigbadbob »

I appreciate that sponsorship is part of the marketing brand. But why on earth has Christopher Ward sponsored a football club? Does that really chime - see what I did there - with Christopher Wards values? I am not picking on Everton, but come on, I would never associate a quality watch with any football club. Just my tuppence worth
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Bahnstormer_vRS »

bigbadbob wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:44 pm . . . . . , I would never associate a quality watch with any football club. Just my tuppence worth

What about the fact that there are the following Watch Brand x Football Club link ups;-

TAG Heuer x Manchester United

IWC x Tottenham Hotspur

Hublot x Juventus, Chelsea, Ajax, Benfica, Boca Juniors

Richarde Mille x Paris Saint-Germain

. . . amongst others?

I'll advocate that CW are in reasonably exalted company. Just my two pence worth.

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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by TheBeatles »

Bahnstormer_vRS wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:51 pm

What about the fact that there are the following Watch Brand x Football Club link ups;-

TAG Heuer x Manchester United

IWC x Tottenham Hotspur

Hublot x Juventus, Chelsea, Ajax, Benfica, Boca Juniors

Richarde Mille x Paris Saint-Germain

. . . amongst others?

I'll advocate that CW are in reasonably exalted company. Just my two pence worth.

I take your point Guy, but not sure EFC are in the same exalted company as above, same league as some. But that’s as far as it goes.

And they’ll lose a lot of TV coverage after relegation! Which means less global brand recognition. May have been a bad move by CW.

As long as no reference to them appears on the watches I’m not bothered either way. But if it sneaked it somewhere, that would be me finished with the brand. Not likely though, I would imagine, apart from a LE perhaps.
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Bahnstormer_vRS »

@TheBeatles Points taken Brian.

Premiere League or Championship next season? Hopefully their new Manager will do enough with what he's got to keep them up.

I believe CW has already stated there will be no 'Everton' watches, apart from an occasional LE. You'll be safe. :wink' 'wink'


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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Gar787 »

TheBeatles wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:38 am
Bahnstormer_vRS wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:51 pm

What about the fact that there are the following Watch Brand x Football Club link ups;-

TAG Heuer x Manchester United

IWC x Tottenham Hotspur

Hublot x Juventus, Chelsea, Ajax, Benfica, Boca Juniors

Richarde Mille x Paris Saint-Germain

. . . amongst others?

I'll advocate that CW are in reasonably exalted company. Just my two pence worth.

I take your point Guy, but not sure EFC are in the same exalted company as above, same league as some. But that’s as far as it goes.

And they’ll lose a lot of TV coverage after relegation! Which means less global brand recognition. May have been a bad move by CW.

As long as no reference to them appears on the watches I’m not bothered either way. But if it sneaked it somewhere, that would be me finished with the brand. Not likely though, I would imagine, apart from a LE perhaps.
‘Exalted company?’ They’re the 18th wealthiest club in the World having slipped from 17th last year according to Deloitte.

‘Same league as some?’ Erm…they’re in the Premier League and have played in the top flight of English football for longer than any other club in England.

It’s clear that you’re hoping that they get relegated (can’t think why 😒) but do bear in mind that it’s been 74 years since that has happened. Which is pretty staggering in itself.

If you are genuinely concerned, you must be as you’ve articulated it here, that CW would start to put Everton’s name (‘sneakily’ or otherwise) on all of their watches, then with the greatest of respect I’d suggest a quiet lie down in a darkened room for a couple of days.

As for being ‘finished with the brand’, do you think that threat might change Mike France’s thinking and marketing strategy on this?😳😳

I think your being a bit of a mischievous LFC fan, possibly not from the local area where genuine, normally older LFC fans would never want to see the loss of the derby just as I would never want to see LFC relegated for the same reason…even if Chris Ward came back and slapped the lyrics to ‘Walk On’ onto the back of every Sealander and had the Bel Canto play that funeral dirge I’d still probably stay with the brand as long as the price and quality was right.

By the way…you do know that Paul McCartney followed Everton FC…👌
(This is meant as a lighthearted post…even if I’m a bit precious about Everton…😉😉😉)
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by A1soknownas »

CW could sponsor anyone in the Premier League and the potential exposure is massive.

Whilst there may be a synergy in values of CW and a particular club the reason they or any other brand whether established or upcoming is the obvious exposure regardless of whether they win or lose.

Surprisingly the Merseyside derby was recently the most watched game in the UK in Premier league history.

The branding is very clear around the pitch during games and afterwards in post match interviews with millions of viewers worldwide for each game. The Premier league is shown in 97% of countries across the world with a cumulative audience in excess of 3 billion per season. If only a small fraction spot the brand and Google it out of curiosity the job is done.

BTW, this is way different to the Tribus/Liverpool deal already where they used the club logo on watches and were the timing partner. Tribus was never shown on the sponsor boards, in post match interviews or on the wrist of the manager.

You'd expect contract clauses for relegation are standard but I reckon Dyche may do the job needed and keep them safe...
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by TheBeatles »

Gar787 wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:47 am As for being ‘finished with the brand’, do you think that threat might change Mike France’s thinking and marketing strategy.

I think your being a bit of a mischievous LFC fan.

By the way…you do know that Paul McCartney followed Everton FC…👌
3 points in order:-

My personal view, I certainly wouldn’t expect MF to change strategy. That point you make was a cheap shot. I don’t think anyone would expect that of him. Also, I wouldn’t buy ANY watch with another team’s name/logo on it.

Definitely not a LFC fan. NUFC until I die.

All great composers have their flaws. I didn’t know Sir Paul was a fan. Still one of the best in history.
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Gar787 »

Having lived in the Toon, I have a great affinity with that club and many Geordie mates. I’m enjoying their renaissance. No ‘cheap shot’ intended but I do, however, appreciate your intimate knowledge about ‘relegation’. Howay the Lads…👍
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by Gar787 »

A1soknownas wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:59 am CW could sponsor anyone in the Premier League and the potential exposure is massive.

Whilst there may be a synergy in values of CW and a particular club the reason they or any other brand whether established or upcoming is the obvious exposure regardless of whether they win or lose.

Surprisingly the Merseyside derby was recently the most watched game in the UK in Premier league history.

The branding is very clear around the pitch during games and afterwards in post match interviews with millions of viewers worldwide for each game. The Premier league is shown in 97% of countries across the world with a cumulative audience in excess of 3 billion per season. If only a small fraction spot the brand and Google it out of curiosity the job is done.

BTW, this is way different to the Tribus/Liverpool deal already where they used the club logo on watches and were the timing partner. Tribus was never shown on the sponsor boards, in post match interviews or on the wrist of the manager.

You'd expect contract clauses for relegation are standard but I reckon Dyche may do the job needed and keep them safe...
Absolutely nailed it. The proof of the pudding is that I bought THREE LFC branded Tribus watches (for my Koppite red mates obviously) and I own a TRI-04 which is a belter. Now I do know that you definitely are a Red…😉😉
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by A1soknownas »

Gar787 wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:09 am Absolutely nailed it. The proof of the pudding is that I bought THREE LFC branded Tribus watches (for my Koppite red mates obviously) and I own a TRI-04 which is a belter. Now I do know that you definitely are a Red…😉😉
It may be fun for a day if Everton were relegated but that would be it. Rivalries are to be treasured and enjoyed and so much would be missing until they returned, both for the fans and for the City itself. The same would go for Manchester and other closely based clubs say in the North East that we have seen over the years.

We all have our bad spells it seems and I may be less of an enthusiastic fan should Liverpool lose on Tuesday night as I only have cup matches this season at Anfield and we are already out of the rest, plus the optimistic hotel pre-booking in Istanbul for June will have to go :lol:!

Don't get me started on Newcastle as that may end up with me getting a ban!
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Re: Christopher Ward becomes Everton's Official Global Timing Partner

Post by A1soknownas »

TheBeatles wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:38 am As long as no reference to them appears on the watches I’m not bothered either way. But if it sneaked it somewhere, that would be me finished with the brand. Not likely though, I would imagine, apart from a LE perhaps.
I expect MF is already working on the Bel Canto Z Cars edition but has messed up and can't release another regular blue after saying it was limited edition...So the watch won't be released until 2025 once everyone has forgotten.
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