Blue Friday 2023

News related to Christopher Ward Watches
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Blue Friday 2023

Post by Kip »

CW Press Release Nov. 20

Christopher Ward will be donating 10% of all sales between 23.11.2023 – 27.11.2023 to the Blue Marine Foundation.

Between Thursday, 23 November, and Monday, 27 November, Christopher Ward will once again be supporting the Blue Marine Foundation with their Blue Friday offering. Christopher Ward will be donating 10% of all sales to the Blue Marine Foundation. Building on last year’s Blue Friday campaign, the 10% donation will be made as a result of any watch purchase instead of only blue dial watches to maximise the donated amount. This is also the perfect reason for anyone who has had their eye on a CW to go ahead and get it – not only will you get yourself the watch you've been longing for, but you'll also be supporting a fantastic charity at the same time.

Christopher Ward’s relationship with Blue Marine began in 2019 when it committed to donate five percent of proceeds from its six best-selling models. One of Christopher Ward’s key values is sustainability – as its eco-packaging shows – so a watch partnership was a natural next step. Limited to just 500 models, the C60 BLUE became an instant hit with CW fans. The partnership has been going strong since then, with recent collaborations such as the #tide strap collection and the C63 SH21 Blue Marine.

Since 2019, Christopher Ward have already donated over £300,000 to BMF. Mike France, Christopher Ward’s CEO and co-founder, says “While we’re pleased with how much we’ve raised so far – we know that’s only the beginning. There’s never been a more pressing time to look at ways to save our planet.”

The ocean is the biggest carbon sink on the planet and extraordinary blue carbon habitats have a vital role to play in solving the climate crisis. Blue Marine Foundation is dedicated to restoring the ocean to health by tackling overfishing, one of the world’s biggest environmental problems. This dynamic charity is working all over the world to protect huge areas of ocean and restore marine biodiversity. In the coming decade Blue Marine aims to see at least 30 percent of the ocean protected and the other 70 percent sustainably managed.
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